Watch The Trailer For 'A Star Is Born'

Photo of Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga

It seems like we've been hearing about the latest version of A Star is Born forever. The adaptation has been in the works since 2011, when Clint Eastwood and Beyonce were attached to it. It seemed like it might never happen, which would have been fine.

Movie Poster for A Star is Born

A Star is Born

Literally three A Star is Born movies have come out. The first was in 1937, the second in 1954, and the third in 1976. That last one starred Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson, which is fun. However, the one from the '50s, with Judy Garland and James Mason, is considered a bit of a classic. They are remaking a classic. People always love that.

Now, though, we've finally seen a trailer for the latest, perhaps greatest, A Star is Born. It seems weird. Bradley Cooper is starring, which makes sense, but he's also directing. Bradley Cooper is a director now! Of course, the role everybody cares about is the up-and-coming female singer, and in this film she is being portrayed by Lady Gaga. That is actually encouraging. She has some acting experience, and her musical talent is obvious.

Bradley Cooper is starring, which makes sense, but he's also directing. Bradley Cooper is a director now!

There are probably a lot of people alive who have never seen any version of A Star is Born. This will be their version of it. Maybe it will be good. All we can judge it from is the trailer for now. Also, Dave Chappelle is in it. That's fun.