The Dream Catcher

Juan Tigre - The Dream Catcher


New Orleans-based Juan Tigre is the musical project of guitarist/vocalist John Maestas, whose band moments ago released their debut album, The Dream Catcher.

The Dream Catcher

Juan Tigre

The band’s name – Juan Tigre – was borrowed from the protagonist of the multimedia graphic novel, The 100% Believable Adventure of one Juan Tigre, which delves into an imaginary world where Juan Tigre voyages to mysterious locales seeking to discover his past. As he journeys from place to place, he encounters intriguing characters, experiences difficulties, and struggles with who he is, while simultaneously reveling in his adventures.

Influenced by the beautiful desert landscapes of New Mexico, and infused with southwestern mythology, Juan Tigre’s sound features psychedelic guitars, contagious rhythms, and melodies running from Nirvana to Thundercat.

The Dream Catcher encompasses eight-tracks, commencing with “Through the Vines,” a kaleidoscopic intro to the album bedecked with glistening synths and a luscious baritone narrator. The title track follows, riding bright colors flavored with retro-savors and dreamy phantasmagoric dynamics. Filtered vocals infuse the lyrics with bravura flair and platinum textures.

The flow of this tune is mesmerizing, as glowing horns imbue the tune with tantalizing layers of smooth pigments.

Highlights on the album include “In These Veins,” riding surging, dirty guitars chock-full of dark energy atop a potent rhythmic pulse provided by a slapping bassline and finessed, rumbling drums. Interweaving washes of psychedelic colors inject the music with alluring and simultaneously ominous hues. Deep menacing vocals infuse the lyrics with pungent forbidding tones. A blistering incandescent solo section mousses the harmonics up to Jovian levels.

“Bloodsuckers” fuses pristine pop savors with jazz-infused dream-pop, coalescing into a creamy melody taking on funk heft. The flow of this tune is mesmerizing, as glowing horns imbue the tune with tantalizing layers of smooth pigments.

“Memoria,” travels on oozing bluesy tangs injected with psychedelic ripples of sound akin to sinking into a pool of water in hyperspace. Dreamy vocals imbue the lyrics with trippy wisps of trancelike tones, surrounded by swirling, twirling, glittering harmonics exuding surreal, alternating blushes.

The Dream Catcher is wonderfully wrought, rife with layers of psychedelic effusions, along with atypical intriguing combinations of stylistic structures.

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